07/14/12 – Terry Laundry 1939-2012 © ™

Rest in Peace, Terrence Laundry 1939-2012

Posted July 13, 2012 by Parker Binion

With a heavy heart, I am sad to announce that Terry passed away last night.  The news came as a shock to us.  Paula and I SKYPED with Terry yesterday, and he was chipper and excited about our upcoming projects.

Paula has been busy trying to reach American Shareholder clients and Terry’s friends all day.  I have been helping her with that task.  Unfortunately, I don’t yet have the software to recreate Terry’s Daily Chart, so there is no technical update except to say today’s bounce was expected from the abnormally high Volume-Weighted TRIN reading earlier in the week.  If history holds, the odds favor that this bounce will be short-lived, and we will roll over again next week.

Please bear with us as we transition in Terry’s absence.  Right now, we are focused on the funeral arrangements.  We will announce those as soon as they are set in case anyone wants to attend.  After the burial, we will make plans for the future — both for T Theory, Inc. as well as American Shareholders.

Many of you have followed Terry for decades.  Some only months.  Either way, our hearts are with you today.


I had been a follower of Terry since 1974 and always found his ideas special.  He was the type of person that I liked, always with fresh new ideas and never a follower of old hackneyed approaches.    He will be missed by me and many others for his original thinking and always sharing his ideas with the world.

Terry, you will be missed by me for the rest of my life.

Terry was a Marine and graduate of MIT (tough and smart).  He applied some of his engineering expertise to studying momentum in the stock market, which led to his discovery of the T-Theory (aka Magic T-Theory in an earlier time).

Below is a past history of Terry’s mega Ts.  They were uncannily accurate and could keep you on the right side of the market during a major move.  If you weren’t a follower of his method, you missed a bright shinning light.






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One Comment on “07/14/12 – Terry Laundry 1939-2012 © ™”

  1. Ken H. Says:

    Wow…also saddened to hear. Terry was a giant and I enjoyed his matter of fact style and to the point analysis. Sincere condolences.


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